Looking For A Job? Clean Up Your Social Media.

It’s 2019. We all have social media accounts. If you’re anything like me, social media is an outlet for goofy nonsense with your friends, coupled lightly with news updates and old Facebook groups from high school.

The Best Way To Put In Your Notice

You got a new job, congratulations! That’s always exciting. Now you’re faced with the infamous conversation: putting in your notice. If done incorrectly, putting in your notice can be awkward and scary. But as long as you follow these nifty tips, you should be smooth sailing into the new job of yours:

Creating Your Personal Brand On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking and job search tools right now. Not to mention it’s FREE! LinkedIn has become a hub for career success stories, new clients & partnerships, and a wonderful community to meet likeminded individuals. In addition, LinkedIn provides an ideal platform to showcase yourself and build your personal brand.

8 Habits to Adopt in 2019

With January right around the corner, we start to reflect on the past year. How did we do? Moreso, we start to make our new list of what we are going to accomplish next year. The good ole’ New Years Resolutions. We can easily run through the obvious choices:

The A to Z Guide to a Smart Job Search

Because everyone loves a good list that uses the alphabet, am I right? A – ATS: Companies use these databases to collect resumes and candidate data. If applying online, keep keywords in mind to optimize your resume and make it easier to search.  B – Branding: After a while, candidates all start to look the same.

Taking An Actual Break During Lunch: A Concept

40. The average number of hours we have in the workweek. Some people even more, but let’s take 40 hours for argument’s sake. Seems like a lot of time, would you agree? Almost two full days of work activities, and let’s be honest and say that we are NOT all working those full 40 hours.

Working Remote: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

It’s no secret that companies are migrating to flexible work schedules for employees, including flex hours and more specifically, working from home. Startups especially are offering this luxury as a way to attract top talent and provide, what we’re beginning to associate, as a “cool, start-up, millennial-ly culture.”

Get Your Linkedin Together, People.

Gone are the days of looking in the “Wanted” ads for a new position. Job boards are still going strong but it’s safe to say that Linkedin has risen to the top for job seekers and employers as a medium to connect. Linkedin is not only a job hub, but a social network.

Be Open-Minded To New Opportunities (And It’s Not All About The Money)

We are living in a day and age where being financially stable is not guaranteed like it was 20 years ago. Cost of living has increased and families are shifting back to two-income households. With that being said, we are also living in a day and age were opportunities are running rampant like a wildfire.

Resume Q&A

Raise your hand if you’ve heard conflicting advice about resumes? Perfect, you’re in the right place. It is overwhelming to think about how many resume tips and tricks are floating around on the internet (yet here I am, adding another one).