How to Rock Virtual Networking

Virtual networking

Networking is a HUGE part of getting to know your community, acquiring new skills, and advancing in your career. But how do you meet professionals without meetups? How can you make yourself stand out when you’re left with digital handshakes? Cue virtual networking.

Getting Through COVID-19: Be Proactive

No one expected a virus to interrupt over a month of our lives. Sheesh. But we’re making the best of it. Some of us picking up new hobbies (yes, I bought a ukulele), spending more time with our kids, or more than likely just powering through all of those Netflix shows you’ve been wanting to […]

Best Technology Tools For Working Remote

We’ll keep this short & sweet. In the past few weeks, you’ve probably been bombarded by thousands of tips & tricks, “best practices”, and blog posts about surviving COVID-19.

How To Happily Work From Home During COVID-19

Well, everybody. It finally happened. It definitely didn’t happen the way we hoped it would. But this week, Americans have started a massive shift to working from home (WFH). As a result of COVID-19, teams all across the country have been asked to adopt remote options and practice social distancing.

How To Network At A Conference

Conferences are a great way to stay up-to-date in your field and network with people in your chosen industry. For many jobseekers, the trade show floor and happy hours can seem like the perfect time to make an impression on stakeholders in a dream company.

3 Things To Leave Off Your Resume

When it comes to your resume, the goal is to tell your career story – with dates, companies, titles and responsibilities. With that being said, there are some details that need not be added. As a recruiter, you would be surprised by the amount of (unnecessary) information I find on people’s resumes.

Refresh Your Resume

Without a doubt, the posterchild for a job search is your resume. Sure, trends show that it will eventually become obsolete, as Linkedin and other virtual platforms take over. But in the meantime, they are still a crucial piece to your success in landing your next position. Often overlooked, your resume defines who you are.

Please Apply To Jobs You’re Qualified For.

Applying to jobs that you’re qualified for – it’s common sense … right? Wrong. You’d be surprised by what recruiters and hiring managers see come through the job boards…I’m sorry but a shift manager at Forever 21 shouldn’t be applying to a Director of Sales.

The Best Way To Explain A Job Gap

Having a gap in work history has long been considered taboo and one of the biggest red flags for an employer during an interview. The harsh truth is whether you like it or not, having a gap leaves you at a disadvantage compared to your competition that has consecutive work history.

How To Land An Internship (And Job) While In School

A student having a full-time job offer waiting for them immediately after graduating seems like an anomaly these days. In fact, half of all millennials in the U.S. head back home after graduation, for a few months or even years before they land a job (and not just to enjoy some of Mom’s homemade lasagna […]