3 Tips To Surviving The Holiday Hiring Season

The holidays are arguably the best time of the year, am I right? Spending more time with family & friends, eating a little more than usual, and getting to decorate all of the things! However, history has shown that the holiday season is not so jolly when it comes to finding a new job. By all means, Santa Claus wants to deliver that new career to you but sometimes things don’t go as perfectly as we want during this time of the year.

If you are in the process of job hunting, interviewing, or even waiting for a hiring decision, make sure to check out these quick tips so you stay positive and relaxed during these next few weeks:

1.) Be patient.

This sounds like the most obvious tip ever but sometimes you have to hear it more than once. Honestly, after Halloween, all bets are off when it comes to people’s schedules, budgets, and sense of urgency. Think about how crazy the holidays are for you and your family. Sales managers are trying to wrap up Q4 on a high note (and if you’re a sales professional, you understand the struggle is real), leadership is dealing with multiple team members being out of office, and everyone is just trying to make it to the New Year alive.

Even though hiring is important and the company still needs the headcount, if you aren’t hearing from hiring managers as quickly as you would like, give them grace. It’s nothing personal and doesn’t mean they don’t want to continue the process. Priorities tend to shift in November and December for a business. Eat your turkey. The follow up will come!

Note: Don’t be surprised if a position changes, closes, or the start date gets pushed back. This is the time when large (and small) companies are evaluating budgets and getting ready for the New Year. Depending on their initiatives and how they’re doing financially, the position you are in play for may pivot.

2.) Update your resume & apply!

There’s a good chance you have some down time these next few weeks, in between big meals, football games, and family stories. This is actually the perfect time for you to start revamping your resume and sending out those applications. Bombard the job boards with your resume, send out personalized messages to hiring managers, and you’ll be at the top of the list when they check back in.

3.) Reflect.

As the end of the year approaches and we get all mushy with our New Years’ Resolutions for 2020, think about your career!

Do you feel fulfilled?

Do you feel stuck?

Do you wake up on Monday excited to go to work? Or not so much?

Nothing is worse than sitting around the dinner table on Thanksgiving, having your family ask “How’s your job going?” and your go-to answer is “Ugh. Alright I guess.”

You have full control of your career and have the ability to make a change for yourself. Life is too short to be unhappy at a place where you spend almost 1/3 of your life!

Take the next few weeks here to spend time with family, friends, and also with yourself. The holiday season is fun but also chaotic for a lot of people (including companies). Everything that is meant to be will shake out so stay upbeat and don’t get discouraged if you were “supposed to hear from the manager by Friday” and you haven’t heard yet.

Happy Holidays!

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